Protect Your Identity

Cyber security attacks are happening everyday and they can happen to anyone… don’t think you are immune! Below are some tips to protect your identity and help keep your banking safe and secure.


Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone illegally obtains your personal information, such as your Social Security Number, Bank Account Number, Credit Card Number, or other identification and uses it to open accounts or initiate transactions in your name.

Here are some tips to help reduce your risk of Identity Theft:

  • Report lost or stolen debit/credit cards immediately.
  • Watch credit card expiration dates. If you don’t receive a replacement card prior to the date, contact the issuer.
  • Sign all new debit/credit cards immediately.
  • Keep a list of your credit cards, expiration dates and customer service phone numbers. Keep in a secure place and use to contact in case of lost or stolen cards.
  • Never reveal your bank account number, credit card number, mother’s maiden name, or Social Security number over the telephone (unless dealing with a trusted business).
  • Do not carry your Social Security Card or Birth Certificate. Keep them in a safe place.
  • Do not leave debit or credit card receipts. Take them with you.
  • Notify your financial institution if you do not receive your monthly statements.
  • Shred unwanted documents that contain personal information.
  • Review your Consumer Credit Reports regularly.
  • When creating passwords or PINS, do not use Social Security numbers, mother’s maiden name, date of birth, or any part of your name (first, middle, last). Try to create difficult passwords using a combination of letters, numbers, special characters, and capital letters that are at least 9 digits long.
  • Beware of mail, e-mail, or telephone calls informing you of prizes or awards, especially if they ask for personal or financial account information.

The Missouri Bank may call you to verify online banking activity, card activity, or to provide information on products or services that we offer. The Missouri Bank will never ask you to verify, provide, or update your personal information by pop-up message, email, text message, automated or live phone call. Neither The Missouri Bank nor any of its representatives shall ever ask for your User Identification or PIN for access to internet banking. If you are contacted by one of these methods requesting personal or account information, do not respond.


Phishing is a method of e-mail fraud in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking e-mail in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients.

Here are some tips to help you avoid getting hooked by a phishing scam:

  • Do not reply to e-mail or pop-up messages that ask for personal financial information, and do not click on links in the message. Don’t cut and paste a link from the message into your web browser; phishers can make links look like they go one place, but actually send your to a different site.
  • Some scammers send an e-mail that appears to be from a legitimate business and asks you to call a phone number to update your account or access a “refund.” If you need to reach an organization you do business with, call the number on your financial statements or on the back of your credit card.
  • Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, as well as a firewall, and update them all regularly.
  • Don’t e-mail personal or financial information.
  • Review your bank account and credit card statements immediately for unauthorized charges.
  • Be cautious about opening any attachment or downloading any files from e-mails you receive regardless of who sent them. These files can contain viruses or other software that can weaken your computer’s security.

Information on Reporting Scams or Identity Theft

  • The Missouri Bank customers should contact a New Accounts Representative immediately at 636-456-3441, if you believe your account information has been compromised. The Bank will assist you in closing your account and provide you with contact information for agencies that can help if you have become an identity theft victim.
  • Forward phishing e-mails to and to the company, bank, or organization impersonated in the phishing e-mail. Most organizations have information on their websites about where to report problems. You also may report phishing e-mail to The Anti-Phishing Working Group, a consortium of ISP’s, security vendors, financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, uses these reports to fight phishing.
  • If you believe you have been scammed, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at, then visit the FTC’s identity theft website at Victims of phishing can become victims of identity theft. While you can’t entirely control whether you will become a victim of identity theft, you can take some steps to minimize your risk. If an identity thief is opening credit accounts in your name, these new accounts are likely to show up on your credit report. You can catch an incident early if you order a free copy of your credit report periodically from any of the three major credit reporting companies. See for details on ordering a free annual credit report.
  • To report fraud to the Credit Bureau, call:
    • Experian 1-888-397-3742
    • Transunion 1-800-888-4213
    • Equifax 1-800-685-1111

In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfer

Contact us as soon as you think your statement is wrong, or if you need more information about a transfer listed on your statement. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST statement upon which the problem or error appeared. When you contact us:

  • Tell us your name and account number.
  • Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error, or why you need more information.
  • Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. 

If you contact us we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing by postal mail or fax within 10 business days. We will communicate to you the result of our investigation within 10 business days for an existing account, and 20 business days for a new account after you contact us and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days on existing accounts, and 90 days on new accounts to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will provisionally credit your account within 10 business days on existing accounts, and 20 business days for new accounts for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do NOT receive it in the form of paper writing within 10 business days, we may not provisionally credit your account. If we decide there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within 3 business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation. If we have made a provisional credit, a corresponding debit will be made from your account.

Mobile Devices

Here are some tips for protecting your mobile device:

  • Password protect your mobile device and enable the lock screen settings.
  • Download mobile applications from your App Store.
  • If available, utilize security software for your mobile device.
  • Ensure the software updates are installed in a timely manner on your mobile device.

The following link will provide you with a brochure in regards to Cybersecurity Tips for Customers:

Online Banking Business Customers

Due to the increase of fraudulent activity via Online Banking throughout the banking industry, The Missouri Bank recommends that business customers conduct a periodic assessment of internal controls in regards to internet banking credentials and procedures. The following should be considered when performing this risk assessment:

  • Up-to-date Anti-virus/Anti-malware software
  • Firewall Protection
  • Operating System Patches and Updates
  • User Rights and Access to Programs
  • Duel Control Methods on Payment Transactions
  • Review of Account Activity
  • Employee Internet Education

The following link will provide you with a brochure in regards to Cybersecurity Tips for Business Customers:

The Missouri Bank is here to assist you with any questions you have in regards security features contained within the Commercial Online Banking System. Contact the Vice President of Information Systems for more details at 636-456-3441.

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